Welcome to my twisted life! My full name is David Earl Nash Street. For a couple of miniutes im gonna bore you to death about some of the details of my so-called "beginning". I was born on November 1st, 1984 somewhere in Birmingham, Alabama. When I was one-years-old my mom divorced my dad. I then moved to Atlanta, Geogia. I moved to Raliegh, North Carolina when I was in kindergarden. My mom then got re-marryed when I was in the second grade. I was then stuck with two step-sisters and a step-dad. Since then I have evolved from a nerd to a gothic skater dude. Well that 'bout raps up the boring crap!
- pizza
- gurls
- people that are in touch w/ themselfs
- poems
- music (ie: slipknot, coal chamber)
- being myself
- pizza with anything other then peperonni, sausage, bacon, hamburger, or canadian bacon
- people that think there kool, but really dont even know who they are
- people that pre-judge others